Tuesday, April 24, 2007



To be perfectly honest, I didn’t like the blog project at all, probably because I am not a big fan of blogs to begin with. I don’t really like the idea of sharing my thoughts/ ideas/ life with anyone who happens to come across my blog page. I also did not find that it helped my Japanese, because although it did provide me with another area of challenging myself, it didn’t help because I had no way of knowing whether or not what I wrote was grammatically correct or if it even made sense (other than a few infrequent comments I received). I will admit that it was fun reading other people’s blogs, however for me it was often more of a chore to actually sit down and write another entry. Overall I think that my time would have been better spent working more on the exercises in the book or in the language lab so I can focus more on my strengths and weaknesses and get more immediate feedback on my progress.

Sunday, April 22, 2007


今 日、私のグループとビデオのプロジェクトをしたよ。ビデオはちょっと長くて、たくさんミスたから、たくさん時間かかった。でも、私のグループのメンバはあ そぶのが好きな人から、今日はとてもたのしかったよ。火曜日にエディトをするつもり。私は金曜日をたのしみにする。みんなさんのビデオをみるんだ。

Saturday, April 14, 2007

私はボランテァしょうぼうしです。毎木曜日、しょうぼうしょに行きます。あそこでじょう火に あたる人とテレビを見たり、ばんごはんを食べたりします。よく病気人やけがをする人をてつだいます。ときどき火をけしとめります。たくさんれんしゅうをし たり、アイスクリームをたくさん食べたりします。あそこでいい友だちをつかった、チームワークをならいました。私はボランテァをするのが好きです。:)

Monday, April 9, 2007


